Thursday, February 16, 2012

3 Articles
I feel a if me personally being a fan of MIA I am used to her controversial tactics and as a fan i have learned to accept her skew of abnormal behavior. So this article isnt really a shocker I Know that mia uses shock value to her highest level when ever given the chance. Bad girls wasnt no exception she utilized the total abomination of women in arabic culture where many westerners would say they dont have rights. The women in this video were indeed " Bad girls" and being able to do things that would not be tolerated in the middle east. Manny applaud MIA for these efforts and the article spoke of just that so it was very interesting to read something that i felt was true and it really shows MIA utilizes the way of expressing ones self and personal opinion with her music videos and actions it is truly a sight too see. NO WHERE NEAR SELLING OUT.

1 comment:

  1. Tunji, while I posted a different reaction to MIA, I also agree with your view, especially considering you're an artist yourself and would probably know the motives for actions performed by other artists. Shock value could certainly have been the reason behind MIA's antics at the superbowl half time show and I also agree that there was no selling out there either.
